
What we can do for you

Easy navigation. Simple, logical navigation.

Automatically generated pictures of your properties are the little touches we like to add to make your experience that much easier. We automate as much as possible to free you for your other tasks.

Managed. Keep on top of tasks.

Get notified of upcoming and urgent events to enable you to take the right action and gives you control over your business.

Local Insights Monitor the competition.

Your property dashboard has an average or property rental in the properties area keeping you up-to-date with the current market conditions.

Easy Configurable Features.

Choose from a wide array of Features for your needs
Certificates Screen Shot

Choose a Plan.

We have plans for big and small, smallest being FREE, can't ask for anything better than that!

Enter Property Details.

Enter the details of your properties, tenants, when you installed alarms etc and we'll let you know when they have expired

Monitor your progress.

Check if your tenant's rent payment is due, or if your insurance certificate is about to expire.

Powerful insights to help grow your business.

We give you reports on how your business is going, rent payments, cost of work being carried out, mortgages, insurance costs, etc.

Keeping on top of your profitability for each of your properties or your business as a whole is rule number one in running your business. We help you with charts of your properties balance over time to show how your business is tracking.

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Advanced local insights to your areas.

Guage your current rent amount against what other similar properties are being rented for in the area.

Monitoring what your market is doing is essential when listing a new property to work out the rent amount to ask for. Consulting with your property agent will give you a good view, but we will give a quick preview of the market by automatically finding similar properties to yours that are currently up for rent and listing them on Property Managed for you.

You can periodcially come back to this to get an idea on what the market is doing.

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